Bilingual version of Video ECHO 3 Chinese first followed by English

《类军事行动点亮救灾无穷之路澳洲该开窍了》 《Military-like operations light up the endless road of disaster relief. It’s time for Australia to wake up》

作者:赵佐荣 Author: Thomas Chiu


Date 9 January 2025

2025年1月7日 西藏日喀则市定日县发生6.8级地震。澳洲的地震儀也檢測到。由此可見 震地震的餘波有多大!

On January 7, 2025, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Dingri County, Shigatse City, Xizang ( formerly called Tibet) Australian seismometers also detected it. This shows how big the aftermath of the earthquake is!

事隔一天,香港知名傳媒人「屈穎妍」以 “極端救援”EP 329 上載油管YouTube 告訴公眾地震的震源在地下十公里, 地震發生後十分鐘無人機已經出動堪察災場, 清晰地傳送整個災區的情況給從各方趕赴現場的西部戰區解放军和西藏地區的政府組織, 迅速讓每一方的救援人員知道從那些位置進入災區最為安全。

A day later, Hong Kong’s well-known media personality Chris Wat Wing Yin (Wat) uploaded a video titled “Extreme Rescue” EP 329 to YouTube to tell the public that the epicenter of the earthquake was ten kilometers underground. Ten minutes after the earthquake, drones were dispatched to survey the disaster site, clearly reporting the situation of the entire disaster area to the People’s Liberation Army of the Western Theater Command and government organizations in the Tibet region who rushed to the scene from all sides, quickly letting rescue personnel from each side know which locations were the safest to enter the disaster area.

相對於2008年汶川大地震解放軍航空兵空降冒死跳入災區完全是兩回事。 這次民間組織包括《京東》,一如既往由旗下最靠近災區的拉薩倉庫負責人專車專運, 把倉庫內的物資完全送給的災民。 知名的慈善演藝人「韓紅」也早已連同救援人員出現在災區。 深圳民間救援組織又馬上出動,其中包括曾經攀爬過珠穆朗瑪峰的隊員隨團傳出發支援西藏。

This is completely different from the PLA air force that risked their lives to jump into the disaster area during the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. This time, private organizations including, as always, sent a special vehicle by the person in charge of the Lhasa warehouse closest to the disaster area to deliver all the supplies in the warehouse to the victims in accordance with J. D. Company mandate to render help when natural disasters occur. The well-known charity entertainer Han Hong has also appeared in the disaster area with rescue personnel. A Shenzhen private rescue organization were dispatched immediately, including members who had climbed Mount Everest and went with the group to support Xizang (Tibet) .

屈穎妍的講解非常詳細, 值得關心中國政府和百姓如何互相配搭,守望相助的朋友登上油管收聽收看 EP329屈穎妍的解説。

Wat’s explanation is very detailed. Netizens who are interested in observing how the Chinese government and its people working and helping with each other, can go to YouTube to listen to and watch Wat’s video explanation in EP329.

此外, 請大家特別留意在該視頻結束前,屈穎妍問: “ 這逆行路上,可有香港人的身影?” 這一問問得真好, 我沒有答案! 如果各位朋友有的話?請大家在這個視頻的留言區告訴我。

In addition, please pay special attention to the question asked by Wat at the end of the video: “Are there any Hong Kong people on this road (to help Earthquake victims) ?” This is a very good question. I don’t have an answer! Friends if you have, please tell me in the comment section of this video.

這次西藏地震通過國際上稍有新聞道德的媒體, 傳遞一個非常清楚的信息給世界各國有良知的正常人, 就是每逢中國遭遇天災橫禍的時候, 中國的軍隊都第一時間到現場拼命救災。

The Zizang (Tibet) earthquake has sent a very clear message to normal people with conscience in all countries of the world through the international media with a bit of journalistic ethics: whenever China is hit by a natural disaster, the Chinese military is the first to arrive at the scene and work desperately to provide disaster relief.

中國的老百姓和民間組織往往自發的奔赴現場參與救災。個別有規模的民企更早已在2008年汶川大地震之後,成立了他們的應變救災隊伍。 說到底都是中國政府以百姓的福祉為己任。 百姓則對執政黨完全信任的成果!

Chinese people and non-governmental organizations often spontaneously rush to the scene to participate in disaster relief. Some large-scale private enterprises have already established their emergency disaster relief teams after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. In short, it is the result of the Chinese government taking the welfare of the people as its own responsibility and the people’s complete trust in the ruling party!

當然要達到這種政府與民眾,互相搭配合作必須有一個安定的社會環境, 卓越的科技成果, 過硬的軍事實力, 以及訓練有素, 統籌調撥經驗豐富的指揮能力。才能充分利用災後72小時黃金救援時間。 在地震發生後十分鐘內出動無人機,以及《運20軍用運輸機》 抵達平均高度四千米,刮着八級大風和零下18度的災區。 爭分奪秒搶救生命!

Of course, to achieve this, the government and the public must cooperate with each other in a stable social environment, outstanding scientific and technological achievements, strong military strength, and well-trained and experienced command capabilities. Only in this way can the 72-hour golden rescue time after the disaster be fully utilized. To race against time to save lives by dispatching drones within ten minutes after the earthquake, immediately followed by the Y-20 military transport aircraft arrived at the disaster area – a harsh location with an average altitude of 4,000 meters, a 8 gale force plus minus 18 degrees temperature !

當下中國處理西藏地震的效率可以說是震憾天下。更直接打臉兩個澳洲前總理。 第一個是上世紀90年代末兩度出任總理的陸克文. Kevin Rudd, 另一個是 2013至2015年的總理亞博特 Tony Abbott。 這兩個人都因為與自己所屬政黨的鬥爭成為了短命總理。

China’s efficiency in handling the Xizang (Tibet) earthquake is shaking the world. It also directly slapped the faces of two former Australian prime ministers. The first was Kevin Rudd, who served as prime minister twice in the late 1990s, and the other was Tony Abbott, who served as prime minister from 2013 to 2015. Both of them became short-lived prime ministers because of their struggles with their own political parties.

到今天為止陸克文在西方國家領導層的眼中仍然是一個比他們更懂中國的中國通, 可惜他並沒有用他對中國的認識建立更好的澳中關係。 以他最近出版的為例: 書名名叫:“論習近平 習近平的馬克思主義民族主義如何塑造中國和世界” 洋洋灑灑600多頁,講來講去都是習近平的意識形態。 該書最後的結論是中國始終會走向武力,對世界造成威脅。 相信真正了解中國文化和中國民族性的朋友。 以致十多年來,一直與習近平交流互動的聯合國大部分成員國的國家領袖們都不會苟同。

To this day, Kevin Rudd is still seen by the leaders of Western countries as a China expert who understands China better than they do. Unfortunately, he has not used his understanding of China to build better Australia-China relations. Take his recently published book as an example: The title of the book is: “On Xi Jinping: How Xi Jinping’s Marxist Nationalism Shapes China and the World.” It is more than 600 pages long and is filled with Xi Jinping’s ideology. The final conclusion of the book is that China will always use force to pose a threat to the world. As a result, friends who truly believe in Chinese culture and Chinese nationality join the national leaders of most United Nations member states who have been communicating and interacting with Xi Jinping for more than ten years disagree.

至於阿博特, 他從2013至2015年出任澳洲總理期間, 他率領澳洲最大的經貿代表團前往北京與中國簽訂自由貿易協議。曾經邀請習近平到坎培拉國會演講, 他當年的親華姿態被當時的媒體嘲諷他舔華。

As for Tony Abbott, when he served as Prime Minister of Australia from 2013 to 2015, he led Australia’s largest economic and trade delegation to Beijing to sign a free trade agreement with China. Xi Jinping was once invited to deliver a speech at the Parliament in Canberra. His pro-China stance was ridiculed by the media at the time for licking China.

到了最近兩三年他竟然一反常態,開始推銷中國侵略論。 認為澳洲必須把中國劃分為中國人和中國的共產黨兩個部分。 中國人是澳洲人的好朋友。中共近年在南海的軍事行動令人擔憂,必須提高警覺之餘。更要與中共勢不兩立。 因此澳洲必須加強軍備隨時應對中共的入侵。 這種口吻與當下澳洲的在野反對黨領袖達頓和影子國防部長的講話如出一轍。

In the past two or three years, he has gone out of his way and started promoting the theory of Chinese aggression. He believes that Australia must divide China into two parts: the Chinese people and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) . The Chinese are good friends of the Australians. The CCP’s military actions in the South China Sea in recent years are worrying and require heightened vigilance. What’s more, he reiterate we must be at odds with the CCP. Therefore, Australia must strengthen its military equipment to respond to the CCP’s invasion at any time. This tone is exactly the same as the speeches of Australia’s current opposition leader Dutton and the shadow defense minister.

他們故意抹殺中國在南海擁有主權的歷史事實,反而以中國在南海保護自己的權益作為澳洲必須備戰的理據, 時刻提防中國! 這些本來是正常的人,當下都變成了戰爭販子了!

They deliberately obliterate the historical fact that China has sovereignty in the South China Sea. Instead, they use China’s protection of its rights and interests in the South China Sea as the reason why Australia must prepare for war. Always beware of China! These normal people have now turned into warmongers!

亞博特如果仍然清醒的話?他應該看到了中國老百姓如何支持中共,他們的執政政府 如何在西藏地震後 刻不容緩拯救生命的類軍事行動!

If Abbott was still conscious? He should have seen how the Chinese people support the Communist Party of China, and how their ruling government immediately launched military-like operations to save lives after the earthquake without wasting a second in Xizang ( Tibet) !

至於陸克文,他本来可以利用自己下台之後, 出任美國亞洲協會負責人和2022 年出任澳洲駐美大使的身份。 發揮自己 認識中國,更認識自己的國家澳洲 重新建立 一個 被上屆莫理森Scott Morrison 政府破壞的澳中關係。 可惜他並沒有這樣做, 不知道他是否有自知之明,因此沒有在澳洲舉行新書發佈會。

As for Kevin Rudd, he could have used his status as head of the Asia Society in the United States and Australia’s ambassador to the United States in 2022 after he stepped down. Use his knowledge about China, and better understanding of his own country, Australia, to re-establish an Australia-China relationship that was damaged by the previous Scott Morrison government. Unfortunately, he did not do this. I don’t know if he was self-aware, so he did not hold a book launch in Australia.

幸好澳洲還有頭腦清醒明辨是非的前總理:基廷Paul Keating , 以及資深的外交家: 約翰 蘭特 John Lander 不時提醒澳洲人, 近代歷史告訴大家中國從不好戰, 更非澳洲的敵人, 如果沒有中國這個澳洲最大的出口市場的話?過去幾近30年來,澳洲經濟根本不會穩步向前發展 。因此宣揚中國侵略論是無知和惡毒的!

Fortunately, Australia still has former Prime Minister Paul Keating who is clear-headed and can distinguish right from wrong, and John Lander, a senior diplomat, remind Australians from time to time that modern history tells us that China has never been wary, let alone Australia’s enemy. If China were not Australia’s largest export market in the pastnearly 30 years, Australia’s economy would not have been developing steadily. Therefore, it is ignorant and vicious to promote the theory of Chinese aggression!
